Well... its been a fun week.
Lsat Saturday... Bun's got a good deal on figurines at the Chara Fest and bought 3 models (or was it 4?) at discounted prices during a promotion hour at one of the shops there. Pretty happy man there. He's also been working on Melty Blood. Last time i saw him.. his fighter could only hit 9. but now its 21 hits. Not bad :P
Sadly.. D.C II S.C wasnt working that well for him.. he needed some CD Key which he's looking for now.. Hope he can get it working.
Today.. Had a fun day over at Coasta Sands Chalet.. SMIT MITO... I helped out with the barbeque and well it was lacking of freshies but well at least managed to know some seniors at least. The funniest thing that happened was the all-guys strip poker. Lawl... one of the players was down to his boxers. By then it was late so oh well.. I took an early leave.
And for tommorow? I have to send a friend of mine , Jeremiah , off at the airport. He's going to Dubai for studies. Though i have known him only for a short while, he's still a nice guy. Hopefully, he can excel over in Dubai and keep in touch with us. You will be missed, my friend.
I also have two chalets upcoming, one on the 30th and another on 4th Sept. One's my Primers Group Chalet, the other, well.. my class's chalet :P
Oh well... have tons of things planned for this holiday too, study more anime drawings, more modelling (I'm working on a G36C assault rifle atm, gonna work on other weapons like the PSG-1, P228 Pistol and so on and oh, a human model) and of course if i really have time, More writings.
Well.. I'll end off here. Have a good day all :)

State : Relaxed, joyous and and other happy words :P
That's it! WEBP is over and now its the holidays for about 5 weeks woohoo! Oh well... went to watch Bourne Ultimatum with a group of friends of mine... damn nice show, very action packed and immersive story...
Then on Saturday, usual gathering except for Bun, Nice Exams :P ending on Tuesday and he'll be free from then on..
Sunday? A short stayover at a friend's place, played some LAN games together :P Playing alone = boring, playing with friends = priceless.
Today? Nice class gathering at this place called Settlers in Buona Vista. Not a bad place, good food , good ambience and nice unique board games to play as well. Our Personal Tutor, Daryl Lim, set up this gathering for us. Nice lecturer we've got there :) Thanks Daryl!. After that, went down to Bugis and walked around while part of the class went to Sim Lim regarding some job interviews... but in the end we still went to the arcade and played some games.. Saw one game Bun was interested in, Melty Blood and well told him about it and wow, what an excited guy he was :P.
Oh well I'm back home now, doing some Maya models for fun.. well catch me on the internet or MSN then! :)
Quote of the day: Having fun with friends sure is priceless, nothing can replace that kind of fun.
Holidays... please come earlier!!!!

State: Concentrate and Focus protocols activated...
Phew.. at least Java is out of the way... one of my most hated modules but well... I have no choice but to do it... if i dont pass... I cant advance to Year 2 (Now that's not a very very good thing there!) sigh.. holidays are coming soon.. but there's Maths and WEBP in the way. Time to get cracking and slack off later i suppose.
Quote of the day: He who works first and plays later, gets to reap more benefits than he who plays first and works later...

State: In Combat.
Well... man.. its a long time since i last posted.. and im only halfway through this fight... cleared STSB so far only.. left WEBP and not to mention Java test( Omg that's a hard one!!!) and both a Maths Exam and WEBP exam too...
Well anyways cant talk much i'll just be posting up my maya models and recent pics of my last assignments which I just cleared last week...
XM-60 Conceptual Revolver and M-19 Pistol



IDEA Presentation After-Action Photo

OC Presentation After-Action
Well that's it for now :P
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