State : Relaxed, joyous and and other happy words :P
That's it! WEBP is over and now its the holidays for about 5 weeks woohoo! Oh well... went to watch Bourne Ultimatum with a group of friends of mine... damn nice show, very action packed and immersive story...
Then on Saturday, usual gathering except for Bun, Nice Exams :P ending on Tuesday and he'll be free from then on..
Sunday? A short stayover at a friend's place, played some LAN games together :P Playing alone = boring, playing with friends = priceless.
Today? Nice class gathering at this place called Settlers in Buona Vista. Not a bad place, good food , good ambience and nice unique board games to play as well. Our Personal Tutor, Daryl Lim, set up this gathering for us. Nice lecturer we've got there :) Thanks Daryl!. After that, went down to Bugis and walked around while part of the class went to Sim Lim regarding some job interviews... but in the end we still went to the arcade and played some games.. Saw one game Bun was interested in, Melty Blood and well told him about it and wow, what an excited guy he was :P.
Oh well I'm back home now, doing some Maya models for fun.. well catch me on the internet or MSN then! :)
Quote of the day: Having fun with friends sure is priceless, nothing can replace that kind of fun.
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