State of the Day : Relieved.. phew..
Man, what a hectic week this week is >.<. So many things happened so far. Handed up Maya and presented my tank model to the class and my lecturer... sadly he's leaving hopefully he'll be alright and my model too lol. OC Presentation... time didnt allow me to present my speech so oh well its postphoned to next Tuesday, at least there's more time to prepare and that's a good thing.
Went for mounting at Bras Basah for my DVDE assignment, crap it burned a hole in my pocket but at least that's the final assignment for DVDE in this sem. WOOT!
Well.. for today, went to watch the Simpsons movie after maths class today, IDEAS was cancelled but lol that slot was occupied by a short briefing on GEMs, our auxiliary modules, which we can take to compliment our diploma. Anyway, the movie was good, kinda funny even to a non-fan like me though i rather be watching more serious films like the upcoming Die Hard 4.0 and Hitman.
Friday's a good day always, a good break day for me lol. After today, i gotta go work on my personal Maya projects, STSB and WEBP assignments then finally prepare for my tests... oh well for now, time to go kill some people in a virtual world... :P
Quote of the day: Nah im too tired now :P lol
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