Status: Feeling the lack of proper rest and relaxation
The coming weeks are turning out to be more a killer than before... So many assignments... WEBP, STSB, DVDE (This one i had better double time on it) , 3DF and wow nice Java test coming soon (And im an idiot at it >.<) , at least I got through maths but the big one is coming... guess I have to start preparing. Oh well time to unwind for a while :).
This week was kinda interesting. We had a large class outing to Jurong Point on Wednesday and lol had some fun there.. we went to the Arcade to play and I'm amazed at Ming Yong.. He's not bad at Time Crisis 4, he cleared the game without dying.. Man that's damn professional. The rest of us played some Daytona , Lethal Enforcers too.. Then we went upstairs to play pool. I didnt join in though.. was rather tired but in the end was "persuaded" to join for one small game.. Damn cold was affecting my performance.. Heck I was wearing 3 layers!! In the end we all went back to school to attend some talk by Alaric Tay, a director who talked about film directing and techniques, which were kinda interesting and the shows he made were damn comedial I've gotta admit.
That reminds me.. damn OC writing on Tuesday.. felt like O levels lol. Had to write out my speech on paper using pen ink. Maya... new technique acquired - Bump Mapping and Texturing and Rendering Techniques Man i love that but I want to perfect my sculpting first.
Stupid me today... I fell over a charger wire and landed in a wierd position, as if i was doing a pushup.. hands on the floor, legs up, bag on my head. (It felt wierd for a moment....) Must be the lack of relaxation...
Sigh.. I'm getting slow.. takes me a while to get something these days..
Oh well nvm that now to go rest and have a good night's sleep. Work calls again tommorow...
Check back later :)
Quote of the day: Nah im too tired now lol :P
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