
Holidays are ending... Wow that's damn fast

State: Sad.


24th of September...

Start of a new semester...

This week had me seeing alot of action as well.. Man I seriously need some rest..

Went out with Bun and company to Liang Court to get some stuff... Japanese stuff mainly... Bun's got some books and Ben Ng too...

LTC Outing. Got contacted by En Qi for an outing to East Coast Park. Gotta admit... its kinda fun mixing with those dudes.. Flew some kites, played some ball games.. but sadly.. spend alot on fast food lols.. dang.. that's the major cause of my financial problems this week.. but still in my opinion fun > money concerns...

Wednesday - Friday
ICE Camp (Man I'm starting to feel a bit tired from all these camps lol)
Well... this was one of the more boring and slow camps I've been through.. long delays between events and such... hopefully the 08/09 one will be better though

Usual gathering...
Only lacking Bun who had to stay at home for the weekend due to his parents forbidding him from going out... Wierdly Galahad requested for a schoolgirl hostage model for his Counter-Strike but then oh well... I just gave it to him

Went out to Orchard, Takashimaya with Galahad and co. to get some stuff... well.. at least Galahad's got his share of Japanese magazines, he's got one called Myogo and also another book.. regarding a daughter of a Yakuza. Then again the usual gathering at my place.. lawls its starting to feel wierd without bun around.. but oh well what to do haha.

School's starting tommorow... at least its a new semester with new modules, hope they aint THAT boring..

Oh well.. kinda tired out now.. catch you all another time then :)

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